Roffers Family GenealogyRoffers GenealogyJohn Roffers and his sons, Robert, Marvin, Irvin and Herbert cutting oats with the grain binder in the Summer of 1930

Cornelius Kocken
Cornelius Kocken
  Johanna Marie Kocken (VanderHeyden)
Johanna Marie Kocken (VanderHeyden)
  Albert VanLanen
Albert VanLanen
  Henrietta VanLanen (Gevers)
Henrietta VanLanen (Gevers)

Wilhelmus Kocken
Wilhelmus Kocken
09/12/1883 - 04/27/1956
  Bertha Kocken (VanLanen)
Bertha Kocken (VanLanen)
03/03/1896 - 04/25/1986

Henrietta, Neil and Albert Kocken - circa 1924
circa 1924
Henrietta Marie Kocken is in the upper right in the dark dress.
Neil Kocken is kneeling, fourth from the right in the second row.
Albert Kocken is sitting in the front row, first on the right.

Wilhelmus Kocken at age 19 (circa 1902)
Wilhelmus Kocken at age 19 (circa 1902)

Mrs. Wicker, Bertha Kocken, Norb & Caroline Kocken, Robert Roffers, Patsy Kobus - May 10, 1952
Mrs. Wicker, Bertha Kocken, Cornelius (Neil) & Harriet Kocken,
Robert Roffers, Patsy Kobus - May 10, 1952

Bertha and Bill Kocken
Bertha and Bill Kocken

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